Other Commands#

Cluster Information#

In case you need to check information about the cluster configuration.

  • pbsnodes -ln : Troubleshooting : List offline and down nodes in the cluster
  • pbsnodes -a : List information on every node in the cluster

Environment Variables#

  • PBS_JOBNAME : User specified job name
  • PBS_ARRAYID : Job array index for this job
  • PBS_GPUFILE : List of GPUs allocated to the job located 1 per line <host>-gpu<number>
  • PBS_O_WORKDIR: Job's submission directory
  • PBS_TASKNUM : Number of tasks requested
  • PBS_O_HOME : Home directory of submimng user
  • PBS_JOBID : Unique pbs job id
  • PBS_NUM_NODES: Number of nodes allocated to the job
  • PBS_NUM_PPN : Number of procs per node allocated to the job
  • PBS_O_HOST : Host on which job script is currently running
  • PBS_QUEUE : Job queue
  • PBS_NODEFILE : File containing line delimited list on nodes allocated to the job
  • PBS_O_PATH : Path variable used to locate executables within job script