Python Virtual Environments#

We recommend you use virtual enviornments packages inside the standard library to manage your dependencies. This can be done using the following commands :
1. module load compiler/anaconda3
2. python -m venv <ENV_NAME>
3. source <ENV_NAME>/bin/activate
4. pip install <PACKAGENAME>

This allows you to efficiently manage, and version control the python based packages you are using inside your user space.

Currently, we provide a script to set-up your python environment for BIC(Indel-classification tasks related to Biology).

The BIC script allows you to setup a python environment with all the required packages for your BIC workflow.

In order to set-up the environment, run the bash script from your terminal using command .\storage\; you'll have to stay at your system in order to provide permissions
for every package being installed.

In rare cases, some packages might fail to install due to change in conda repositories. You can either try manually installing these packages via conda or pip via the commands below
or get in touch with us. Currently the script installs following packages:

  1. Snakemake: conda install -c bioconda snakemake

    chmod +x nextflow

  2. Bamtools: conda install -c bioconda bamtools

  3. Bcftools: conda install -c bioconda bcftools
  4. Barrnap: conda install -c barrnap
  5. Bedtools: conda install -c bioconda bedtools
  6. Bowtie2: conda install -c bioconda bowtie2
  7. Bwa: conda install -c bioconda bwa
  8. Cap3: conda install -c bioconda cap3
  9. Cd-hit: conda install -c bioconda cd-hit
  10. Circus: conda install -c conda-forge circus
  11. Clustalw: conda install -c bioconda clustalw
  12. Cufflinks: pip install cufflinks
  13. Fasta3: conda install -c bioconda fasta3
  14. Blast: conda install -c bioconda blast
  15. Orfipy: conda install -c bioconda orfipy
  16. Perl: conda install -c conda-forge perl
  17. Pfam_scan: conda install -c bioconda pfam_scan
  18. Plink: conda install -c bioconda plink
  19. Fastqc: conda install -c bioconda fastqc
  20. HiSat2: conda install -c bioconda hisat2
  21. Hmmer: conda install -c bioconda/label/cf201901 hmmer
  22. Kmergenie: conda install -c bioconda kmergenie
  23. Quast: conda install -c bioconda quast
  24. R: conda install -c conda-forge r
  25. Repeatmasker: conda install -c bioconda repeatmasker
  26. Rmblast: conda install -c bioconda rmblast
  27. Rsem: conda install -c bioconda rsem
  28. Samtools: conda install -c bioconda samtools
  29. SeqKit: conda install -c bioconda seqkit
  30. Saopaligner: conda install -c bioconda soapaligner
  31. Soapdenovo2: conda install -c bioconda soapdenovo2
  32. Sortmerna: conda install -c bioconda sortmerna
  33. Spades: conda install -c bioconda spades
  34. Sra-tools: conda install -c bioconda sra-tools
  35. StringTie: conda install -c bioconda stringtie
  36. Structure: conda install -c bioconda structure
  37. Jellyfish: conda install -c conda-forge jellyfish
  38. Trimmomatic: conda install -c bioconda trimmomatic
  39. Trinity: conda install -c bioconda trinity
  40. Velvet: conda install -c bioconda velvet
  41. VcfTools: conda install -c bioconda vcftools
  42. Megahit: conda install -c bioconda megahit
  43. Diamond: conda install -c bioconda diamond
  44. QuickMerge: conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda quickmerge
    git clone
    cd quickmerge
    cd ..
    export PATH=/home/$username/quickmerge:/home/$username/quickmerge/MUMmer3.23:$PATH

    git clone
    cd VCF2CNA

Note : Remember to activate the virtual environment inside your file submitted to qsub.