Logging In#

Inside Campus Network#

If you are inside the campus network, you can SSH into the cluster with

ssh username@

Note :
A captcha will be requested, after which you'll type in your password.
Changing Password :
Chances are that you've recieved your password via email.
To change your HPC password, use passwd inside the terminal.

Once logged in, you can :
Understand how the Job Scheduler works

Outside Campus Network#

In case you are outside the campus network, you'll need VPN credentials.
VPN Configuration

Login Node Usage#

The HPC Login master node serves as an access point for users wishing to run jobs on the cluster.

These login nodes are only intended for basic tasks such as uploading data, managing files, compiling software, editing scripts and checking on or managing your jobs. Small scale interactive work may also be acceptable if the resource requirements are minimal.

Remember that when you are using the login node, there are generally many other people using the same node. Using too many resources on the master login node will negatively affect the ability of others to complete their work.

Please show common courtesy towards your fellow users by abiding by these rules.