
🏠 Homepage#

This documentation is for the HPC cluster system on campus.

The cluster is a heterogenous system because it contains systems with and without GPU accelerators. Over time, there will be different architectures, and generations of both the CPUs and GPUs. This document covers the major aspects of the system, and how to utilize it.

  1. Introduction
    1. An Intro to High Performance Computing
    2. Who can use or should use a HPC cluster
    3. When should I use HPC
    4. When should I not use HPC
    5. Types of Nodes & Policies
    6. Technical Configuration
  2. Getting Started
    1. VPN Configuration
    2. Logging In via SSH
    3. Using the terminal
  3. Managing Dependencies
    1. Environment Modules
    2. Python Virtual Environments
  4. Scheduling Jobs
    1. Job Scheduler
    2. Your First Job
    3. Cluster Deep Dive
  5. GUI Applications via Tunneling
  6. MPI across nodes

For help, you can contact the team :
- Debargha Ganguly : debargha.ganguly@ashoka.edu.in
- Arup Mondal : arup.mondal_phd19@ashoka.edu.in
- Pratyush Kumar : pratyush.kumar_ug21@ashoka.edu.in
- Soham Bagchi : soham.bagchi_ug22@ashoka.edu.in

We'll re-release new slots for office hours soon.